Republic Report’s Lee Fang And Zaid Jilani Discuss Stories Of The Week
Last Monday, Republic Report broke the news that astroturf lobbyist Rick Berman appeared in his own anti-union ad that ran during the Super Bowl. Our story was picked up and covered at CREW, Brave New Films, ThinkProgress, and other outlets across the Internet.
Republic Report’s Zaid Jilani discussed the story on the Alyona Show. View the clip below:
Also this week, President Obama reversed his longstanding opposition to outside secret money his campaign, and announced that he is drafting administration officials to help the pro-Obama super PAC fundraise. Republic Report cast Obama as our first “Sell Out Of The Week” for this dramatic reversal. I spoke with the Thom Hartmann Show’s Sam Sacks about the news. View a clip below:
For a round-up of Republic Report’s top twenty stories from our first week, click more.
— The ‘original Tea Partier’ at CPAC tell us that the founding fathers would throw lobbyists out.
— Our story on how Eric Cantor blocked a fix for the foreclosure crisis while owning a huge financial stake in mortgage businesses.
— Obama’s likely WTO pick Larry Summers mocks opponents of outsourcing.
— We confront Anita Dunn on her dual role as White House advisor, corporate lobbying consultant.
— Multimillionaire anti-union lobbyists appears in his own ad during the Super Bowl.
— Following up on our Exclusive on defense contractors lavishing Congressman McKeon’s wife with money, a video of McKeon thanking drone lobbyists in DC
— Our story on how Congressman Lamar Smith bought up stock in a border tech company before the firm won a government grant.
— The Outback Steakhouse is lobbying to pay workers $2.13 an hour.
— Our story on Congressman Fred Upton fundraising with boiler lobbyists two hours before hosting a hearing to attack new EPA boiler regulations
— A look at Romney’s fundraiser reveals ties to key figure in for-profit college boondoggle.
— Two stories on how Wall Street consultants whined and made up attacks on the Stock Act.
— A look at Newt’s wife and her connections to the new chief for-profit college lobbyist.
— An on the ground report from outside the secret Koch meeting last month.
— Senator Coburn ridiculously claims there is no insider trading in Congress.
— How big agribusiness is lobbying to allow children to work in manure pits.
— How a Tennessee congressman is standing up for his food industry donors and blocking anti-obesity campaigns.
— Deleted: the important Stock Act provisions watered down by Eric Cantor.
— Obama sells out his values, and four ways he could help clean up the campaign finance system today.
— Congressman Upton endorses Romney only hours after Romney’s Patton Boggs attorney hosts his fundraiser
— Private Equity lobbyists launch new PR campaign to protect loopholes, but only supporters are stock images.