May 29, 2020

Trump Vetoes Bill To Protect Students and Taxpayers from Scam Colleges

Donald Trump just vetoed the bipartisan student debt relief bill. Trump chose to stand with Betsy DeVos and the wealthy owners of predatory for-profit colleges, operations similar to his own fraudulent Trump University, and to stand against defrauded students, i.e. all the people that, as a candidate, he promised to help: veterans, “forgotten” working people,
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May 20, 2020

Florida Career College Works to Silence Former Employees

Just days after Republic Report published an article, based on interviews with former employees of Florida Career College, about abuses at the school, the college’s parent company wrote to ex-staffers warning them to keep quiet, or else possibly be sued.  In letters to former employees, attached to emails sent last week, Aaron Mortensen, general counsel
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May 14, 2020

WATCH: COVID-19 Protestors, Like Their President and Party, Are Simply Savages

Watch this video, filmed today in Commack, Long Island, New York, by News12’s Kevin Vesey: Protestors against safety measures to protect people from COVID-19 angrily confront the reporter, mindlessly calling him “fake news” and the “enemy of the people,” as if they were zombies unleashed from the brain of Donald Trump.  The level of anger
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May 13, 2020

College Owner Who Heads DeVos Panel Is Sued By Mother For Alleged Fraud and Theft

Arthur Keiser, the politically-connected “Chancellor and CEO” of Florida-based Keiser University, has been sued by his 96-year old mother for allegedly cheating her out of income generated by businesses they own together — an escalation of a messy family dispute over a lucrative for-profit college fortune, with damaging charges and counter-charges and an effort by
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May 6, 2020

Ex-Employees: Florida Career College Enrolled “Anyone With a Pulse”

The Orlando campus of Florida Career College, according to former employees there, would enroll, as one of them put it, “anyone with a pulse,” even though the school’s programs often failed to help students succeed. According to the ex-employees, the for-profit college’s recruiters found homeless people in strip mall parking lots and lured them to
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April 21, 2020

Who’s Lobbying To Get COVID-19 Cash to For-Profit Colleges?

Howard “Buck” McKeon, a Republican former chairman of the House Education Committee, heads up the list of lobbyists paid, largely with your federal tax dollars, to lobby Congress to send even more tax dollars to for-profit colleges in the COVID-19 era. Lobbying reports for the first quarter of 2020 show that just a few of
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April 21, 2020

Florida For-Profit College, Getting $17 Million in COVID-19 Aid, Accused of Scamming Black Students

Faced with concerns from critics in Congress and elsewhere that many for-profit colleges will take advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to accelerate predatory behavior, the industry’s chief lobbyist, Steve Gunderson, has been repeating his claim that the bad actors among for-profit schools have shuttered, and what remains are sincere, hard-working operations focused on helping students.
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April 15, 2020

Scam Websites, Promising COVID-19 Advice, Steer Students to Predatory Colleges

This article is the first in a new series, produced by Republic Report and the Project on Predatory Student Lending (part of Harvard Law School’s Legal Services Center) — COVID College Cons. Steve Gunderson, the Republican ex-congressman who runs CECU, the frequently-dishonest lobbying group of for-profit colleges, emailed his members on Monday, warning that in
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