Trump Administration Slams Student Veterans Once Again
In 2016, candidate Donald Trump repeatedly promised to aid America’s veterans, but for the second time in about a month, the Trump administration has taken a step that will severely harm veterans seeking to improve their lives through higher education. Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs reversed its suspensions from eligibility for G.I. Bill funding
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DeVos Tries Everything to Force Deceived Students to Repay Loans
Betsy DeVos’s four-year immoral crusade to harm American education has included a thoroughly corrupt effort to protect predatory for-profit colleges and force students who were scammed by these schools to pay back their student loans anyway. Advocates for veterans, single mothers, immigrants, and others ripped off by for-profit colleges have been determined to fight back.
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John Roberts May Save Our Democracy from Trump
Since November 2016, I have expressed concern that Donald Trump, if he loses re-election, will claim the ballot was rigged and refuse to leave. My worries escalated in February 2019 when lawyer Michael Cohen, who worked closely with Trump for years, explained that the very reason he agreed to testify to Congress was to warn
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As Perdoceo Fights VA Suspension, Employees Say Recruiting Abuses Persist
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs must decide in the coming weeks or months whether to stand by its determinations to throw five universities out of the G.I. Bill program for deceptive advertising or recruiting practices, or instead to reverse one or more of those actions and allow student veterans to keep enrolling in those
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Where Did the Daily White House Coronavirus Briefing Go?
Watching Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York deliver his daily fact-, science-, people-driven coronavirus briefing today, I was thinking: Where did the daily White House coronavirus task force briefing go? Has the pandemic ended? Not by a long shot. About 10,000 of the 110,000 U.S. deaths occurred in the past ten days. In some states,
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A Racist White Supresident, Still Supported By a Majority of White Americans
Just before election day in 2016, I came across a video on social media that showed a confrontation in a parking lot between a black man and a white man. Though neither was yielding, the white man was angry and aggressive, while the black man remained measured and calm. Before using the n-word on camera,
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Roundup: Amid Protest and COVID Crises, Blatant Trump Corruption Goes On
Our nation faces twin traumas: violent protests and police violence across America in the wake of the brutal police murder of George Floyd, and a deadly pandemic that threatens to resurge. President Trump’s handling of each crisis has been not merely grossly incompetent but also malevolent; his concerns regarding the pandemic have nakedly focused on
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It’s Not #MAGANIGHT At Our House
After unleashing another torrent of tweets Saturday morning threatening violence against people who dare protest against him, Donald Trump added, “Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???” Later, asked about the tweet by reporters, Trump acted all coy, saying, “I have no idea if they are going to be here. I was
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