Trump Terrible 10: Google Trump News Edition
Our heroes: Jeff Sessions, Jim Comey, Jeff Flake, Michael Cohen, Omarosa Manigault, George Will, Bill Kristol, Lanny Davis (ok maybe not), John Brennan…. WTF have you done to us, Don?
Since 2017, Republic Report‘s “Trump Terrible 10” has ranked the week’s 10 most disgraceful people in Trump world.
Republic Report, which focuses on how money corrupts democracy, has met its abusive dream mate with the kleptocratic administration of President Donald J. Trump. Trump and his lieutenants personify how money and greed, mixed with disrespect for constitutional values, know-nothing ignorance, serious bigotry, and an endless capacity for lying, can really, really corrupt democracy.
Permanent spoiler alert: We can’t imagine anyone other than Donald Trump ever occupying the top spot in the rankings. But we won’t get tired of him winning. Believe me.
10. Donald McGahn, White House Counsel. Last week’s ranking: —
The soon-to-depart-after-he-ruins-U.S.-jurisprudence McGahn embodies today’s professional GOP: The DC corporate lawyer has normalized, defended, and enabled a corrupt, erratic, bigoted president in order to advance the Republican agenda on corporate special interest deregulation, right-wing judges, and tax cuts for the rich. Hope he’s given Mueller some good info, though.
9. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), second Member of Congress to endorse Donald J. Trump for president. Last week’s ranking: 5
Hunter pleaded Deep State to the charges and then gallantly blamed his wife for the entire grift. She must have hypnotized the Bro Caucus chair into billing his campaign for purchases including: $462.46 for 30 shots of tequila and a steak at El Tamarindo during Individual 8’s bachelor party; $1,008.72 for food, drinks, and three nights lodging during a personal ski trip with Individual 14; $257.40 for driving his car on a 468-mile trip to Virginia Beach with Individual 14, Congressman A, and Congressman A’s date despite the fact that they did not use Hunter’s car on the trip; and $162 for a personal stay at the Liaison Capitol Hotel with, um, Individual 14.
8. Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior. Last week’s ranking: —
Do you miss Scott Pruitt and his shameless grifting? You can get the same low-class klepto-egomania, and corporate donor corruption of environmental policy, with Riflin’ Ryan and the boys.
7. Rudolph Giuliani, counsel to President Trump. Last week’s ranking: 6
Shit sandwich.
6. Mick Mulvaney, Director, Office of Management and Budget, and Acting Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Last week’s ranking: —
I like people who weren’t captured by special interests.
5. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education. Last week’s ranking: —
DeVos gave people just 30 days, in August, to comment on her regulations allowing for-profit colleges to rampantly cheat students and taxpayers. Today is your last day to comment! DeVos is probably resting at one of her monstrosity homes or on her Cayman-flagged yacht. Now she’s reportedly ready to dump the regulations protecting victims of campus sexual assault.
4. Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor for Policy. Last week’s ranking: 4
Twisted Miller seems to be firmly in charge of America’s immigration policies. And America’s immigration policies are a non-stop nightmare.
3. Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Republican nominee for Governor of Florida. Last week’s ranking: —
Trump lover DeSantis blows a racist dog whistle in the first hours of the general election campaign. With hard work by non-racist Floridians, Andrew Gillum can beat him.
2. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Last week’s ranking: —
When John McCain went home, Graham sought out a new favorite guy in DC. Unfortunately he found the worst guy possible. And now Graham is parroting that guy’s calls for Jeff Sessions to leave, even though that would clear the way for that guy to stifle the Mueller probe of that guy.
1. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States. Last week’s ranking: kidding!
Remember when we could sleep well because Trump had fixed the North Korea problem? That was awesome.
Trump renewed noise about firing Sessions, again attacked Mueller as “highly conflicted,” pursued unjust revenge punishment of public servant Bruce Ohr, resumed efforts to take the blame off Russia for the election hacking, threatened to crush Google’s free speech, again called the media the enemy of the people, resumed praising himself for the “fantastic job” he did saving Puerto Rico, privately warned evangelicals that Antifa will rampage if they don’t get out the GOP vote, publicly warned America that the market will crash and we will “be very poor” if he’s impeached, launched an ugly false attack on Andrew Gillum, made North American trade a dumb reality show, and handled John McCain’s death in predictably stupid classless fashion. Also, again, as today’s lying tweet about Lester Holt reminds us, Trump has obstructed justice, bigly.
Trump is again number one — the most disgraceful person in Trump world. Trump is not merely a disgrace; he’s a total and complete disgrace.
Recent disgracefulness:
Trump Terrible 10: Breathless Supreme Court Watch Edition
Trump Terrible 10: Vile Yes Men Edition
Trump Terrible 10: Crooked Vile Racist President Edition
Trump Terrible 10: #MAGA-Land Theme Park Edition
Trump Terrible 10: Walls Closing In Edition