January 30, 2020

Sean Spicer Shills for Predatory For-Profit Colleges

As White House press secretary, he started off telling us the falsehood that President Trump drew the biggest inaugural crowd ever, then defended Trump’s lie that millions voted fraudulently in 2016, and kept going downhill from there. Seeking his fortune after leaving the administration, Sean Spicer started his own consulting firm, became an advisor to
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January 31, 2017

DeVos Makes Clear She’ll Trash Rules That Curb Predatory Colleges

There were plenty of hints in the past few weeks, but now it seems clear as day: The Trump Administration plans, with the leadership of designated Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, to trash the work of the Obama Administration to protect students from the abuses for predatory for-profit colleges. Billionaire DeVos, whose nomination is scheduled
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August 2, 2016

For-Profit Colleges Say Students Are Being Defrauded (By Someone Else)


The for-profit colleges’ depleted trade group CECU (formerly APSCU) reports in a new filing with the government a seemingly remarkable fact: Last month, the association wrote a letter to the Department of Education, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau demanding that those agencies fight against scam websites run by shady outfits
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July 26, 2016

Industry’s Top Lobbyist: Stop “Assaults” On For-Profit Colleges


Steve Gunderson, the former congressman (R-WI) who is the chief lobbyist for America’s for-profit colleges, warns in a new email, “There has never been a time when the economic, regulatory and political assaults on our sector have been stronger.” Gunderson, since 2012 the CEO of the discredited, depleted for-profit college trade group CECU (formerly APSCU),
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July 18, 2016

For-Profit Colleges Use Distortions to Enlist Students to Oppose Obama Rules


Steve Gunderson, the former congressman (R-WI), who heads the discredited, depleted for-profit college trade group CECU (formerly APSCU), is working hard to defeat a new Obama Administration rule that would (1) provide debt relief for students who were defrauded by their schools and (2) take steps to hold fraudulent schools accountable.  In addition to efforts
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July 6, 2016

Ex-New York Times Reporter Now Lobbying to Block Student Debt Relief


For-profit colleges are once again fighting furiously, and expensively, to gut a common sense regulation from the Obama Department of Education. The Hill today is calling this latest lobbying battle a “frenzy.” The Obama rule spurring this frenzy would: 1. Implement a law already on the books by providing standards and procedures for the government to forgive the
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June 24, 2016

For A Day, Broke Students Win


In a world of mass shootings, Brexit, and a looming dramatic presidential election, the deliberations of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI), in a nondescript meeting room at the DoubleTree Crystal City in Arlington, VA,  would hardly seem to matter. But, yesterday, it did matter. By the scheduled 8:30 am
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June 13, 2016

For-Profit College Lobbyist Gives the Game Away


It is absolutely stunning that the for-profit colleges’ chief lobbyist, Steve Gunderson, told a reporter today that a new Obama Administration proposed rule — a rule that would finally give students and taxpayers some leverage to recover payments for abuses by predatory schools — “will crush career education.” What does that say about the performance
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