April 11, 2012

Conservative Washington Examiner Blasts Bank Settlement: ‘It Doesn’t Redress The Crime Committed’

Two months ago, the Obama administration and 49 state Attorneys General announced a settlement with the Big Banks that engaged in fraudulent lending practices that abused homeowners and often left taxpayers with the bill. This settlement was made final last week. Today, the highly influential conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner editorialized against this settlement, saying
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February 20, 2012

Pat Robertson: We Need To Put The Bankers Who Lied To Americans And Caused The Financial Crisis In Jail

 Today, televangelist and long time right-wing icon Pat Robertson addressed the banking crisis on his television show, The 700 Club. Referencing how Iceland dealt with its own economic crisis — it jailed many of the bankers who broke laws and deceived the nation’s people — Robertson praised the European nation and said that we need
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