April 12, 2018

As Pompeo Rounds Out Koch Administration, Perils for Climate Change

As Mike Pompeo faces the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today in his hearing to be Secretary of State, there are numerous reasons to oppose his confirmation: his seeming enthusiasm for military conflict with Iran and North Korea, his blatant promotion of Islamophobia, his support for waterboarding of prisoners, his hostility to LGBT rights, his opposition
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October 5, 2017

While Trump Blusters, Koch Brothers Get Their Way

Key factors in Donald Trump’s electoral college victory included the candidate’s own tremendous huckster skills, the support of the right-wing Mercer family, and the sneaky interventions of Vladimir Putin. But none of those oligarchs have turned out to be the real winner of the 2016 election. While Trump enjoys his Twitter feuds, racial dog whistles,
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July 11, 2016

Koch Brothers’ Congressman Seeks To Block Efforts to Prevent Chemical Catastrophe


Republican congressman Mike Pompeo of Kansas, who represents Wichita, seems to be doing the bidding of the Koch Brothers once again: He has introduced legislation to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from issuing or enforcing a rule to improve the safety of America’s most dangerous chemical plants. Wichita is the home of Koch Industries, which has
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