October 31, 2012

In Sandy’s Wake: Top Romney Advisors Andrea Saul and Jim Talent Tied to Climate Change Denial

Greenpeace has posted these stark images of the destruction Sandy brought to the New Jersey shore. The devastation on the ground is heartbreaking, and Americans are grateful for the courage and determination of people responding to the crisis. At the same time, it’s imperative that we start asking why we have seen so much extreme
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May 14, 2012

Corruption Is Why Taxpayers Are Forced To Give Polluters $10 Billion A Year

It’s simple common sense that pollution is a bad thing. We all know that breathing dirtier air, drinking less clean water, and having an unsanitary environment is bad for human beings. But did you know that American taxpayers spend over $10 billion a year subsidizing it? Last week, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Sen. Bernie
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