July 27, 2012

LINKS: Nancy Pelosi Calls For Constitutional Amendment To Overturn Citizens United

Huff Post: Nancy Pelosi Escalates Call For Constitutional Amendment
Speaking at the Campus Progress national conference, the top House Democrat called for “citizen-funded elections” rooted in low-dollar contributions. She told members of the progressive advocacy organization that independent groups obscure political dialogue.

Bloomberg: How to Break NRA’s Grip on Politics
Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, declared Wednesday that “changing the heart of the American people” is our best hope to stop the carnage. President Barack Obamaoffered little more than support for his past positions, such as banning assault weapons. Very likely, both candidates will spend the next few months avoiding the issue altogether.

New York Times: Romney Fund-Raisers in London Draw Banking Crowd
Mr. Romney held a fund-raising reception and a more exclusive dinner here on Thursday that included some of the top American financiers working in London. The firms they represent run the gamut from private equity funds, hedge funds and big investment banks like Goldman Sachs and J. P. Morgan — all of which have substantial business hubs in London’s financial district.

Washington Times: Chamber Spends Big in Senate Races
The Chamber of Commerce Thursday spent a whopping $1.6 million on television ads opposing Bill Nelson in Florida’s Senate race and $1 million attacking Democrat Tim Kaine in the race for a Virginia Senate seat against Republican George Allen, disclosures showed Thursday.

Washington Post: Wealthy Dems Bankrolling New Effort to Counter GOP ‘Swift-boating’ of Obama on Israel
So how seriously are Dems taking the possibility that Obama could lose Jewish votes, now that billionaire Sheldon Adelson is planning a multi-million-dollar campaign to hammer Obama over Israel?

USA Today: Anti-incumbent Super PAC’s Leader Starts Congressional Elections PAC
The leader of a super PAC that says it wants to hold entrenched House incumbents accountable by targeting them in primary elections has launched a separate political action committee that’s attacking a Tennessee Republican who has served in Congress for less than two years.

Politico: Marco Rubio to Raise Cash for Mitt Romney in Texas
On behalf of the Romney Victory Fund, the two will host receptions at the Marriott Rivercenter in downtown San Antonio. Guests can get a photo with Rubio and Scott Romney for $5,000 per person. The general reception costs $250 per person.

National Journal: Ex-Lockheed Lobbyist Now Senate Armed Services Staffer
A former Lockheed Martin executive and top lobbyist has joined the Senate Armed Services Committee as the Republican staff director, according to the Project On Government Oversight.