Is Big Pharma Using A Front Group To Exact Revenge On Cheap Drugs Advocate Denny Rehberg?
One of the biggest rip-offs the U.S. government enforces is a ban on cheap pharmaceutical drugs from Canada. Americans are barred from buying perfectly safe pharmaceutical drugs from Canada that can be 20 to 80 percent cheaper than American drugs. Conservative organizations like the Cato Institute and progressive lawmakers like former Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) have
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VIDEO: McCain Denounces Big Pharma Lobbyists Who Just Killed Cheaper Drugs Again
Imagine you could get pharmaceutical drugs for twenty to eighty percent cheaper. If you’re someone with multiple prescriptions, that could save you thousands of dollars every year. The thing is, you can. Or, you could, if you were allowed to import safe pharmaceutical drugs from Canada. But you’re not, because the U.S. government bars you from doing
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VIDEO: Grover Norquist Struggles To Explain Taking Big Pharma Money, His Fannie Mae Lobbying Past
Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) head Grover Norquist is one of the most powerful men in Washington. His anti-tax pledge has won over hundreds of elected officials, and he regularly gets meetings with powerbrokers in D.C. But there’s one thing even he’s afraid of. And that’s answering questions about how his organization gets cash from
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Pharmaceutical Industry Hires Up Super-Lobbyist To Defend Special Tax Break
We’ve all seen them. Television commercials from Big Pharma promising love and happiness if we take the products being advertised. Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau, a former 10 year Pharma sales rep, in 2009 explained how the industry manipulates consumers with its advertising: “We’ve seen the industry medicalizing so many different things throughout your life. If you’re shy, take
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Oklahoma Republican Representative Says “Blood Money” From Drug Industry Killed Anti-Meth Bill
Republic Report earlier reported that the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), an industry group representing over the counter drug makers, spent a whopping $194,957.76 in Kentucky in January alone lobbying against stricter regulations on the sales of certain cold medicines that can be used to produce methamphetamine. The CHPA is also lobbying heavily in Oklahoma, and scored
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