June 8, 2012
Four Decades Ago, A Senator Warned About The Revolving Door Of The Military-Industrial Complex
The Center for International Policy released a new report this month focusing on the nuke lobby — the coalition of defense contractors and former government officials who continue to push for costly Cold War-style nuclear stockpile and delivery systems. Interestingly, the report references a statement by the late Senator William Proxmire, Democrat of Wisconsin, from
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February 24, 2012
Heritage Foundation Analyst Opposed Defense Cuts Without Disclosure of Defense Industry Funding
One think tank defense analyst has been repeatedly either quoted in the media or given space to write op-eds blasting defense cuts and any other significant reductions of spending on the military: the Heritage Foundation’s James Carafano. Here’s just some of the times Carafano was given space to oppose defense cuts in just the past
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