November 27, 2017
Student Loan Whistleblower Case Heads to Trial
A jury trial is set to begin Tuesday in federal district court in Alexandria, VA, of a long-standing whistleblower lawsuit filed by former U.S. Department of Education civil servant Jon Oberg against the student lender and collection agency Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). This case may at last provide a public verdict regarding the notorious
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January 6, 2016
Ex-Congressman Solicits $80,000 From For-Profit Colleges for Court Paper Aimed At Shielding Fraud
The Republican ex-congressman who now works as the chief lobbyist for the troubled for-profit college industry has ushered in the new year with an email asking for-profit college owners to finance a legal brief aimed at limiting the legal risk of companies in fraud cases. The amount that Steve Gunderson, CEO of the industry trade
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