102 Search Results Found For: "gunderson"
On For-Profit College Shutdowns, Lobbyist Gunderson Has No Shame
Regarding the recent epidemic of for-profit college closures, Steve Gunderson, the chief lobbyist for that industry, has taken his shamelessness to new heights — brazenly suggesting that the shuttered schools have no connection to his lobby group, CECU, when he knows full well that they used to be members, and mischaracterizing industry critics’ views on
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House Republicans Press Biden Administration To Stop Helping Broke, Ripped-Off Students
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are once again pressuring the Biden Department of Education to overlook abuses by predatory colleges, and to stop granting debt relief to former students — veterans, single parents, and others — who have been victimized by these schools. The House Appropriations committee is set on Wednesday morning to
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Mike Pence to Speak at For-Profit College Convention. Why Exactly?
Former Vice President Mike Pence will be the keynote speaker at this summer’s annual convention of CECU, the national trade association of for-profit colleges. CECU (full name, Career Education Colleges and Universities) announced Pence’s appearance in a March 22 press release. The CECU convention will be held in June in Pence’s home state of Indiana,
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Education Department Will Terminate Aid to Florida Career College
The U.S. Department of Education announced today it will stop providing federal student grant and loan payments to Florida Career College (FCC), a for-profit school whose predatory practices Republic Report helped expose in a May 2020 investigation. The Department explained on its website that it was acting against the school after an investigation “found that
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As House Education Chair Probes For-Profit Colleges, Ranking Republican Foxx Takes Their Donations
As chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, Rep. Bobby Scott’s responsibilities include protecting against waste, fraud, and abuse with the hundreds of billions in federal aid dollars that go to U.S. colleges and universities. Rep. Scott (D-VA) has diligently met that obligation, holding hearings and asking questions of controversial college operators and the
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For-Profit College Reps at Education Meeting Are Part Of Trade Group That Has Harbored Predatory Abusers
Bradley Adams, the chief operating officer of South College and the lead negotiator for the for-profit college industry in this week’s Department of Education rule-making meetings, has criticized proposed rules that would hold career college programs more accountable for deceiving students and burying them in debt. Predictably, Adams has repeated the industry’s mantra that all
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Financial Aid Administrator Group Questions Policies Aimed At Curbing Predatory Colleges
In recent weeks, the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) — whose members are financial aid professionals from colleges and universities across the country — has lent its prestige to supporting policy positions similar to views being pushed by the for-profit college industry, a higher education sector where many schools offer a toxic
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Shuttered For-Profit College Was Run By Industry Perennial
When a for-profit college chain abruptly closes, locking out its students and leaving their futures in doubt, the industry is often quick to disavow the dead school as a wayward abuser, an outlier. In reality, though, many of the surviving for-profit college chains use the same predatory playbook as the collapsed ones, and leaders of
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