Rohit Chopra Joins Department of Education
Rohit Chopra, whose principled and determined leadership helped make the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a strong force in addressing the abuses of predatory for-profit colleges, has joined the U.S. Department of Education as a senior adviser. Chopra is working directly for Under Secretary Ted Mitchell, focusing on protections for students, analysis of financial capacity and
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Arne Duncan Transcript: Some For-Profit Colleges have “the ethics of payday lending”
On Monday, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Under Secretary Ted Mitchell had a conference call for reporters to announce the Department’s plans to offer debt relief for students from the now-collapsed, predatory Corinthian Colleges. I offered some analysis that day about the announcement, but here’s the whole transcript. It contains some of the most
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Electric Utility Industry Created Their Own Air Pollution Permits, Held Private Meetings With Texas Regulators
Emails obtained and released today by the Environmental Integrity Project show that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) worked behind closed doors with the state’s electric power trade association and utility companies to weaken standards for air pollution control permits. The emails and documents reveal that Association of Electric Companies of Texas (AECT) and utility employees held private meetings with
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VIDEO: In Iowa, Clinton Stresses Harms to Students From Predatory For-Profit Colleges
In keeping with the strong populist economics theme of her campaign rollout, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton today took aim at the predatory for-profit colleges whose overpriced, low-quality programs are ruining students’ lives. The former Secretary of State, participating in her first campaign event, an education roundtable discussion at Kirkwood Community College in Monticello, Iowa, said:
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Student Debt Strike? Read This Texas Mom’s Powerful Words
The 100-plus former students of for-profit Corinthian Colleges who have boldly asserted that they won’t pay back their student loans have garnered widespread attention and provided a powerful jolt to the debates about predatory colleges and our nation’s mounting student debt. A measure of the students’ impact is the meeting they were able to obtain last
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Obama Can Reform Dark Money with a Stroke of a Pen
There’s a powerful solution for disclosing the secret money sloshing around in our political system. It does not require an act of Congress or action from any of the effectively toothless campaign finance watchdogs, like the Federal Elections Commission. In fact, this solution could be passed in an instant and the only requirement for action
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Is Rubio’s Denial of Climate Change Tied to His Dependence on Koch Oil Money?
Tonight, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) will offer the rebuttal to President Obama’s State of the Union address. This isn’t a casual designation: Top Republicans and outside commentators are hailing the young Senator as the very future of the GOP. One issue where Rubio sharply contrasts with Obama is climate change. With record-high temperatures and devastating
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On HuffPost: To Get Better Policies, Expose Corrupt Politics
Huffington Post published this piece by me yesterday, as part of its Shadow Conventions series: To grasp the harms caused when money dominates politics, start with for-profit colleges. This industry tripled in size during the last decade, spurred by deceptive recruiting practices, after its lobbyists loosened federal rules aimed at protecting students and taxpayers from
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