Those Troubling For-Profit College Emails: Read Them Here
Last week, US News reported on a pair of emails that Steve Gunderson, the CEO of the for-profit colleges’ trade association, CECU, sent to his members. In one, Gunderson, a former Republican congressman, makes blatant the organization’s preference for a Donald Trump and GOP victory in 2020 — a partiality that is not surprising, given
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Inside Arthur Keiser’s College Empire: Troubling Evidence
A close look into Arthur Keiser’s college operations, based on accounts by former school officials and employees, raises new questions about predatory recruiting, conflicts of interest, executive misconduct, and the validity of the non-profit status of his schools. Southeastern College is a Florida-based for-profit career school offering programs in health care, information technology, and business.
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For-Profit College Group Warns Members They Are Being Targeted By High-Pressure Scam
Last week, the for-profit college lobby group CECU sent a message to its members entitled, “EMAIL SCAM ALERT.” It warns, “It has come to our attention that there is an email scam going around impersonating CECU and some members of the Board of Directors. If you have received an email requesting ‘gift cards for donation
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House Committee: DeVos Aide Diane Jones Repeatedly Misled Congress
A report that the House Education and Labor Committee released this afternoon provides fresh evidence to support what has been clear for a long time: Betsy DeVos’s top higher education aide, Acting Deputy Under Secretary of Education Diane Auer Jones, has repeatedly made false statements to Congress regarding her role in the debacle over Dream
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For-Profit Colleges Race To Block Students From Suing Them
Donald Trump and his education secretary Betsy DeVos, over the objections of bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress, recently rewrote a key federal regulation so that going forward it will be almost impossible for former students who were deceived and ripped off by their colleges to have their federal loans cancelled, even though a
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DeVos Advances Trump-Like Vendetta Against College Accreditor
Betsy DeVos’s Department of Education is pursuing punishment of a college accrediting agency — an action that looks like a Trump-like vendetta and a means of deflecting charges that the Department and a controversial college chain were caught conspiring to cover up abuses. A new Department of Education staff report claims that the accreditor, Higher
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Trump Administration Slams Student Veterans Once Again
In 2016, candidate Donald Trump repeatedly promised to aid America’s veterans, but for the second time in about a month, the Trump administration has taken a step that will severely harm veterans seeking to improve their lives through higher education. Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs reversed its suspensions from eligibility for G.I. Bill funding
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DeVos Tries Everything to Force Deceived Students to Repay Loans
Betsy DeVos’s four-year immoral crusade to harm American education has included a thoroughly corrupt effort to protect predatory for-profit colleges and force students who were scammed by these schools to pay back their student loans anyway. Advocates for veterans, single mothers, immigrants, and others ripped off by for-profit colleges have been determined to fight back.
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