May 8, 2018

Trump Chicken: Too Chicken To Testify Before Mueller?

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We’ll explain:

Special counsel Robert Mueller wants to question President Trump about Russiagate. Trump’s lawyers, including Rudy Giuliani, are telling him not to testify. If Trump won’t submit voluntarily, a Mueller subpoena may be coming.

Will Trump answer questions, or is Trump Chicken?

Will Trump try to hide from Mueller, by taking the 5th, claiming executive privilege, pardoning people, firing Mueller?

Trump says he’s done nothing wrong, that there was no collusion with Russia and no obstruction of justice. Maybe you’ve heard him say that before? Lots of times. 

Trump also says, “I would love to speak… Nobody wants to speak more than me.”

OK, so what’s the problem?

Trump says the Mueller investigation “is a very unfair thing,” adding, “If I thought it was fair, I would override my lawyers.”

Trump should override his lawyers. Unless he’s chicken. 

From a document that was prepared by Trump’s lawyers and leaked to the media, we know some of the questions Mueller may want to ask Trump: During a 2013 trip to Russia, what communications did you have with Russian officials? What communications did you have with Michael Cohen and Felix Sater about Russian real estate deals? What discussions did you have during the campaign regarding Russian sanctions? What did you know about Paul Manafort’s outreach to Russia regarding the campaign? What did you know about communication between Roger Stone and WikiLeaks? What did you know about Russian hacking of the election? What did you know about phone calls between Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador? What do you know about a 2017 meeting in Seychelles involving Erik Prince? Why did you fire James Comey?

These are legitimate questions that need to be squarely addressed before Mueller can complete his investigation, whatever its final outcome. There’s already confirmation that crimes occurred: Flynn has pled guilty, as has Manafort’s former deputy Rick Gates and others. 

Is Robert Mueller unfair? Mueller is a decorated Marine Corps veteran, an experienced federal prosecutor, and a Republican who was appointed FBI director by George W. Bush. He was named special counsel by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, a Republican appointed by Trump.  Mueller is widely recognized for his judgment, integrity, and patriotism.

So why not talk with Mueller, and clear the air?

If Trump wants to tell his story, why is he refusing to testify?

At this point it appears that Nobody Is More Chicken Than Trump. For now at least, Trump is the Biggest Chicken. 2 Chicken 2 Testify. The Chicken-in-Chief.

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