Second Congressman Explicitly Pledges Not To Become A Lobbyist
Earlier this week, Republic Report was the first to note that Tea Party Congressman Scott Rigell (R-VA) promised a crowdof constituents recently that he would not become a lobbyist after he retired, and that lawmakers should all take a pledge to impose a lifetime ban on influence peddling. “Lead by example,” Rigell exclaimed, to a roar of applause.
Now, the National Journal is reporting that a second lawmaker has made a similar pledge. Rep. Dave Loebsack (D-IA) has made a “vow” never to become a lobbyist:
“Far too often people come to Washington just to cash in.” […]
“That’s why I vow to never follow in the footsteps of so many others and engage in lobbying as a way to cash in on having served the people of Iowa”
As we’ve reported, members of Congress taking jobs on K Street can expect paydays of several hundred thousands; sometimes millions. They are valuable for the lobbying industry because they help gain access, provide insider information, and they often trade policy for pay before they leave office. An analysis by Republic Report found that out of the few lawmakers-turned-lobbyists who have been forced to disclose their salaries, they received over a 1,400% pay raise on average.