GOP Senate Candidate Denounces U.S. Chamber Of Commerce: ‘Nebraskans Don’t Want a Wall Street Senator’
One of the most powerful lobbies in Washington, D.C. is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The organization, which has opposed everything from the Americans with Disabilities Act to various attempts to fix the American health care system, uses its enormous lobbying dollars to push both Democrats and Republicans to tow its Big Business line. It was also one of the biggest backers of the Wall Street bailout, the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
The Chamber recently endorsed Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning for the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate race in his state. Rather than cowering before the Chamber’s massive lobbying operation, as many other politicians do, Don Stenberg, a “Tea Party“-style conservative running against Bruning, decided to aggressively respond to the Chamber’s endorsement by denouncing the Big Business lobby and attacking corporate welfare. He titled this web response “Nebraskans Don’t Want a Wall Street Senator“:
“I’m not going to Washington to support big business and corporate welfare. Nebraska voters will send me there to support free enterprise,” Stenberg said. […] “Nebraskans don’t want a Wall Street Senator who makes backroom deals with big government special interests. They want a street fighter, someone who will work tirelessly to shrink the size of government,” Stenberg said.