May 18, 2012

11 More Democratic Legislators Leave ALEC

We’ve just received word from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee — which has been campaigning to get Democratic Party lawmakers to quit the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) — that an additional eleven Democrats have now left the corporate front group . Here are the eleven who have announced they will be leaving:

8 Pennsylvannia legislators: Sen. Lisa Boscola, Sen. Leanna Washington, Sen. Anthony Williams, Rep. Nick Kotik, Rep. Ted Harhai, Rep. William Keller, Rep. Joseph Markosek, Rep. Joseph Petrarca

2 Illinois legislators: Rep. Mary Flowers, Rep. Brendan Phelps

1 Iowa legislator: Rep. Brian Quirk

These lawmakers join at least 45 others, Republicans and Democrats, who have left in the wake of outrage over ALEC’s role in pushing voter suppression and “Stand Your Ground” laws.